JK Bank Banking Associate Result 2011 published in State Times
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Today,the Jammu and Kashmir Bank had announced its results for Banking Associates in Cash Management for which exams were held on 8th May 2011.The Result is published Online as well as Offline.The Online Result is available at the Careers page of JK Bank and can be accessed at the address (www.jkbank.net/jobs.php) and the offline result is published in the State Times Local News paper dated :5th August 2011.The Interviews will commence from 16th August 2011
The Online Result is available in (*.pdf) format and can pdf can directly be downloaded from the link given below:
We will wpload the (*.pdf) on this page after some time so that you can accesse you result directly from this page
Wish you best of Luck!!!!!
Post your Roll Numbers and E mail Address in Comment Box.We will send the results by mail
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My Name is Ragini and my Roll No. is 2217002421.My email address in ragini.12@gmail.com
Jk bank exam result.
My Roll No. Is 1117012122 and my email id : mansha.com7@yahoo.com
email id 2: prayml2g@gmail.comJk bank exam result.
My Roll No. Is 1117012122 and my email id : mansha.com7@yahoo.com
email id 2: prayml2g@gmail.com
e-mail: aadilhussain47@gmail.com roll-no:- 1117026626
rollno. 2211002525
e-mail naresh12123@gmail.com
Roll No.: 1117022424
email: mbashabir@gmail.com
My Roll no. : 1117012122 And my email id: prayml2g@gmail.comMy Roll no. : 1117012122 And my email id: prayml2g@gmail.com
i have lost my roll. no slip, how can i view my result my email id is (boobuit@gmail.com)
My name is Shazia and my roll no. is 2217001408. My e-mail Id is zakirhussain026@gmail.com
i have lost my roll. no slip and forget my roll. no. how can i view my result my email id is boobuit@gmail.com
roll no. 1117000934 & email id asuhailo7@yahoo.com
My name is Jagmeet kaur and my roll no. is 2217013873. My email Id is kaurjagmeet9@gmail.com
roll no.2217002874
email id: klamit1@gmail.com
My name is ravish jamwal
Father Nmae is Joginder singh jamwal
i have lost my roll. no slip and forget my roll. no. how can i view my result my email id is ravish@gmail.com
Dear sir I have lost My Roll No slip and forget my Roll No. How I view My result.... plz help me.
Chander Kant Shan
Email:- thegame109@gmail.com
my rollno.is 2217012854. my email id is sakshi.a3@gmail.com
my name is mudasir and ihave lost my roll no slip please show my result at my id
ranjana gupta my roll no is 2217007801 my email id is ranjana13gupta@gmail.com
22170171777 gorikapoor21@yahoo.co.in
MY ROLL NO IS 2217003338
i have lost my roll. no slip, how can i view my result my email id is.
My email id is knowwaseem@gmail.com
plzzzzzz help
dear sir my name is waseem raja. i have lost my roll. no slip and forget my roll. no. how can i view my result my email id is knowwaseem@gmail.com
my name is priyanka, i have lost my roll number please send my result on my e-mail id i.e pcsapphire@gmail.com.
sir my name is Palvi Gupta. my Roll no. is 2217009262. and my e-mail id is sahil.gupta.hot@gmail.com
my name is neha sharma...........i hv lost my roll no. slip...please show my result at my id....nehasharma2929@gmail.com
My roll no. is 1117023604 & my e.mail id is mushtaqhari786@gmail.com.plz send me result and also interview date
i have lost my roll no. and plz send me my mail id- gravityrohitsharma@gmail.com
My Roll No. is 2217007375 and my e-mail id is
i have lost my roll no plz send me my result in my id gvikas20@gmail.com my name is vikas gupta father name bansilal and date of birth 28-06-1987
My Roll No.is 2217003402 and my e-mail id is gurvindersingh9019@gmail.com
My name is vijay pal singh
Father Nmae is jaswant singh sambyal
i have lost my roll. no slip and forget my roll. no. how can i view my result my email id is vijaysingh.sambyal@gmail.com
My ROLL NO. IS 2217020357
my roll no.2217002916 pls send me my result in my id parusharma0.1@gmail.com
my name is Paroo
my name is manessh gandotra
my roll no is 2217003338
my e mail id is gmaneesh2511@gmail.com
My self Amanpreet kour....RollNo.z 2217002691
and E-Mail z amankour219@gmail.com
my name is vijay kumar roll no 2217007434 and e- mail vijay_sharma519@yahoo.com
my name is shivani khajuria
Father Name is Ashwani Khajuria
i have lost my roll. no slip and forget my roll. no. (22170019--)ranges from (12 - 32) how can i view my result my email id is vaidnishivi@gmail.com
roll no 22170019--(12 - 32) and e- mail vaidnishivi@gmail.com
My self balwinder kaur & my roll no. Is 2217015035 email - soham198989@yahoo.com
my roll number is 1117003466 and my id is: arshad.bin.abdullah@gmail.com
I m out of town and can't memorize my roll no ..my e mail is faraazbashir@gmail.com..pleasesend me the result.
itz me umer n my roll no is 1117034263..plz send me d result
My name is Rama Sahil Sharma.
Roll no : 2217002541
Email Id : ramasahil@gmail.com
my name is wasim rafiqi
roll no: 117019036
email id: zubairkanue@gmail.com
Roll no :
1117011567 smarthbk@rediffmail.com
Roll No. 1117006038
my rollno is 1117003412
and my emailid is: asmarashi@gmail.com
my rollno is 1117026777 and naseerd31@gmail.com
my name is pooja devi my roll no. is 2217011597 and my emailid is vimonkumar@gmail.com
my roll no is 2211000374 and my id is prabhdayal17@gmail.com
my roll no is 2217002537 name arti koul & my id is vishalbhan1097@gmail.com