IBPS Information Handout and Call letter for CWE Exam after 4th September 2011
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IBPS will issue the Admit cards and Information Handout for Common Bank exam after 4th September 2011.Information Handout for IBPS CWE Exam 2011 gives you detailed information about the competitive examination for Recruitment of Probationary Officers and Management Trainees through a Common written exam that is scheduled to held on 18th September 2011.
The Information Handout will list the following details:
- General Instructions that are to be followed,list of documents that are to submitted at the examination hall etc
- Sample Objective tests for all the Sections.
- Instruction for marking the answers in the exam and filling the information in the answer sheet.
- Demo or Sample Answer Sheet.
As Stated by IBPS in its advertisement for CWE exam 2011,that Call letters and Information handouts will not be dispatched to students at their correspondence Addresses,but both the call letter and Information Handout can be downloaded from the IBPS Official website (www.ibps.in) after 4th September 2011.
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सर, मेरा CWE नेफ्ट चालान पानी मैं गीला हो गया है अब मैं क्या करू, Plz help me..........