IBPS PO Recruitment 2012 through 2nd Common Written Exams
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Did not Succeed in IBPS PO Exam 2011,don't Worry,IBPS PO Exam 2012 is round the corner.
If you are new to this page and appeared in the IBPS PO Exam 2011 then you must read our previous post on My IBPS CWE PO Result 2011 is out-Now What to do next ? ,but if you have not appeared in the IBPS PO Exam 2011 and looking for Upcoming IBPS PO Recruitment 2012,then you will find some thing interesting below.
IBPS PO Recruitment 2012: We have been asked this question many times When IBPS is going to conduct the Next Common Written Exam for Probationary Officers?.The answer to this question can be answered by IBPS alone,although we have got some probable information related to the upcoming IBPS PO Exam in 2012.The probable information is that IBPS PO Recruitment 2012 notification is expected in the first week of February.Although there is no official word yet on the announcement of IBPS PO Recruitment 2012,but it is expected to be published in the February 2012.
Students who would like to appear for the Upcoming IBPS PO Exam in 2012 must check this page regularly for any updated information related to IBPS PO Recruitment 2012.The IBPS Notification 2012 will be published in the Employment News paper and can be downloaded from the IBPS Official Website.Whenever IBPS will publish the Notification we will always update this page and provide you the complete information (including pdf) containing the actual advertisement.
IBPS PO Call Letter 2012
IBPS Question Papers: Previous Question papers will be very useful if you are preparing for IBPS Common Written Exams.Students preparing for IBPS PO Recruitment 2012, must go through the IBPS PO Question Papers of Previous years.Students can get all the previous years Question papers of IBPS by checking the Link Given below.
IBPS Question Papers
Recent Update: We would like to announce that in an Exclusive Interview with a Popular Bank exams Website, IBPS Director had announced that Next IBPS PO Exam for PO/MT will be conducted in the month of June 2012.So the Notification of the IBPS PO Exam 2012 will be published in the month of April 2012.We will update this section once, we have the exact dates of the next PO Exam
IBPS PO Exam 2012 Last Date: 30th March, 2012
IBPS PO Exam 2012 Last Date: 30th March, 2012
Subscribe by Mail: If you are eagerly waiting for the next IBPS PO Exam in 2012,and didn't like to miss any update related to IBPS Exams then you must get yourself registered on this Bog by "Subscribe By Mail". By mail subscribing you will receive all the IBPS Related updates and alerts directly in your Email.Mail Subscribing can be done by entering your email in the box below labeled as "Get All the Updates from IBPS by E Mail". After you enter your email address,a verification mail will be sent to you and you must confirm the link in this mail,Only then you will receive all the updates from IBPS Portal directly in your mail box.
IBPS PO Exam 2012 Dates
IBPS PO Exam 2012 Dates

SSC CGL 2017 Online Application : Last Date: 15th April, 2017
SSC CGL Syllabus
Update: The dates mentioned above are only probable and cannot be taken for guaranteed.As we told earlier that the sole authority for conducting the Common Written Exam is IBPS,so their word is final and abiding.Whenever there is any official announcement by IBPS for 2nd CWE for PO,we will always update this page with the latest update,till then stay tuned
IBPS PO Scorecard 2012 for Unsuccessful students in the IBPS PO Exam 2011
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Hello sir / Mam..
I undersign Darshan CHoksi (darshan.choksi@gmail.com)
I want to know the upcoming exam for IBPS clerk and PO recruitment..
Could you tell me via my e-mail the specific dates and How to apply ??
thank you.. I am waiteing of your mail.
Respected sir/madam,
myself karthik (spd.karthik@gmail.com)
can i get info regarding upcoming IBPS PO notifications/adv.Kindly let myself to know.
exam result is no show in your side its show erreo
will u tell me please delhi's heiest score in OBC
I am Swati Gupta,my degree would be completed in may 2012 . Can i apply for IBPS exam for po post, which would be held in june?
sir can u please give me the detail ibps recruitment 2012.
iam final year B.E student,am i eligible for ibps po exam,2012.
i want to know the complete details of ibps recruitement for the year 2012 which is going to be held in the month of june
I was filling the form for IBPS po 2012, I got Error Transaction Failure Register again. What The HEll! How to get rid of this?
I wanna know What to fill on NAME after CARD no for Online Payment. As I am ICICI debit card Holder & I don't have any NAME provided on my CARD,
Please Help me Out of this.
EMAil : bishtnarendra27@yahoo.com
sir im pursuing btec final year my degree would be cmplted in june.can i apply for this latest ibps for po post.which would be held in june?
I have cleared my Clerk Exam held in Nov & Dec.Scores are 159.will u please tell me weather I will be called for interview from any bank.
i am b.saikumar my b-tech it branch would be completed in june.i have apply to ibps.reply me
iam final year B.E student,my degree would be completed in may 2012 . Can i apply for IBPS exam for po post, which would be held in june?(dsachan89@gmail.com)
respected sir/mam,
i undersign anu(anupoonia.poonia@gmail.com)
i want 2 requesting 2 u for changing the exam date of ibps po because my NET CSIR will also be on 17 june. please help me out of this.
thank you
Dear Sir ,
Am Sourav who is pursuing my B.COM and i want to know when is the Clerical Exam ll be conducted for the year 2012-13
my email id is "sgsagittarian@gmail.com"
Thank you
I m pursuing 4 b.tech final yr my degree would be completed in june.Can i apply 4 latest po exam helding in june?
I am Smriti Gupta,my degree would be completed in may 2012 . Can i apply for IBPS exam for po post, which would be held in june?
can i apply for the exam to be held in june 2012 but my b.e degree will get compeleted by june 2012.
rohit kumar
plz inform me as sonn as possible at
ibps po/mt 2 exam how no of post plese reply sir/mam qvickly
Good morning Sir/Mam
i have submitted ibps po online form on 23/03/2012 and i have deposited fees on 27/03/2012 in bank of baroda yet i not get any type of confirmation message regarding that .
so please send me information .
you can send me details on hassanfaiyaz66@yahoo.com
i have filled my registration form for po on 26-03-2012. can i submitt the challan fee in bank on 3-4-2012........if not please tell me any other way to deposit fee so that i can give this exam..
plz inform me at rahulkaroliya2009@gmail.com
dera Sir/Mam,
i just want to know the second expected date of bank P.O Examination after may.
Dear all
getting qualified marks is not really a happy thing since i got qualified in IBPS PO 2011 exam with 124 marks in PH-OC quota , i haven't received atleast one interview call im totally upset , im sorry to say but fact is face.
i have graduation degree.
can you tell me that when ibps clerk vacancy 2012 will be annouce?
i am suresh i have graduation degree can u tell me that when ibps
clerk vacancy 2012 will be announce
i have pass out ibps clerk exam with 150 marks how many times can i apply to any bank with my ibps score sheet marks
Anyone knows good coaching classes in mumbai for ibps po???
hi.. everyone...
i lost this attempt due to lack of information. can anyone say when will the next ibps exam held?? is there any exam in dec-2012
will there be any IBPS CWE after AUGUST?
when will be the next IBPS exam will happen ?? i haven't applied in this PO ??
please inform me when the next exam exam is going to take place ???
I am failed in IBPS SO (IT) as in result, but in score card i have passed in all subject by OBC catogery marks are Resoning 33, English 21, Math 30, IT 23. So sir why i am not qualified in it so result.
Please tell me about reason about that.
Please reply......
satish kumar
Dear satish
the min qualification marks for obc is 120 in total.
As your result shows u qualify in each subject but ur total marks is below 120.
Please help me I lost my e-recipt and now There is no chance to reprint ? any one please help me!!!
Unfortunately I didn't attend PO exam on 17-june. Is there any possibility to write that again. Please help me
Hello sir,
I manu smriti want to know about the next ibps exam. I have no knowledge of this exam so plz guide me about this and tell me the next date of this examination. I' ll be very thankful to u.
Respected., sir/madam
i would like to tell you tha i am a student of B.com (gen)and graduated this year but hav`nt fill up the form of 25 july but now i have my certificates of passing this year with me and now want to give this IBPS and CWE exam but i dont have any guaidance from my back and i really need you help in this matter and looking forward to your mail soon
i hope that you will reply with the next form fill dates and where to find exact study meterial....
thanking you
i qualified for ibps po 2012june
i want to know about how many canditates qualified from ANDHRA PRADESH
i want to know about ibps rrb office assistant result
how many candidates qualified from ANDHRA PRADESH. And topper in A.P.
Which banks under ibps recruit POs with out service bond.
Please confirm whether the person who is getting 57.80 marks in OBC has any chance to quqlify in IInd list in P.O. 2012