IBPS PO Call Letter / Hall Ticket Download 2012 for PO/MT Exam on 17th June, 2012
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Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) had announced the Dates for the 2nd CWE for Probationary Officers / Management Trainees. The Recruitment Notification for IBPS PO exam 2012 was published in March 2012 and the exam date is tentatively fixed at 17th June, 2012.
As a result, IBPS will be conducting the 2nd CWE for PO's and MT's on 17th June, 2012.Those students who have successfully registered for the exam can Download their Call letters for IBPS PO Exam only after 4th June, 2012.It is expected that close to 15 lakh students have registered for the exam.These 15 lank students will be competing for PO Jobs in 19 Public Sector banks in 2012-13
In this article, we are going to discuss the Procedure for Downloading the Call letter and Identity Verification at the Examination Hall for IBPS PO Exam 2012.Those students who have appeared in the previous IBPS Exam might be aware of the procedure for Downloading the Call letter.This blog post is aimed to help those students who are appearing for IBPS Exams for the first time
Now let us come to the point and discuss the exact procedure for Downloading the IBPS PO Call letter or Hall ticket2012
Pre-Requisites for Downloading the IBPS PO Call letter 2012
Before downloading the Call letter, students must have the following details with them
Registration Details: To download the Call letter, registration details Like Registration Number and Password are required. .These Registration details were generated at the time of the submitting the Online Application.
Since there is a choice between Password and Date of Birth, field so one must require only Registration number to download the Call letter
Forget Registration Number?: If you did not remember the Registration Number and Password, then you can retrieve them easily
After submitting the Online Application, an email and SMS containing the Registration details were sent to your respective Email Address and Mobile Number respectively.So you must check the In box of your Email ID or SMS in your Mobile phone
Steps for Downloading the IBPS PO Call Letter 2012
1) IBPS PO call letters can be downloaded only from the IBPS Official Website (www.ibps.in). So check this website on or after 4th June, 2012 to download the call letter
2) After opening the Website, click on the appropriate link for Downloading the Call letter.After that enter your registration details and Click on the Submit Button.Soon after you click on the Submit button, the Call letter will be generated.
3) The Call letter must be printed and the same must be produced at the time of the Examination.In case, you didn't have printer facility, you can save the Call letter and preserve it for taking print out later
Identity Verification
The students must reach the examination hall at the time and venue given in the Call letter.It is important that students must reach the examination hall well in time in order to avoid the last minute trouble.
In the examination hall, the examiner in charge will verify the Identity of the Candidate by checking his/her Call letter and Identity Proof.The Candidates identity is verified by matching his/her details in the Call letter and Attendance sheet.
The identity proof must be brought to the examination hall in original as well as in photocopy.The Identity proof can be any of these documents like PAN Card/ Passport/ Driving License/ Voter’s Card/ Bank Passbook with photograph/ Photo identity proof issued by a Gazetted Officer/ People’s Representative along with a photograph / Identity Card issued by a recognized college/ University/ Aadhar card with a photograph/ Employee ID
Need Help ?
If you have any doubts in your mind or you face any problem in Downloading the IBPS PO Call letter, then you must post your queries in the Comment box given below
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Registration # : 5001163005
dob : 01-01-1988
challan by : boi
date of made Chalan: 29-03-2012
sir, i got 145 in IBPS clerk 2011 & general category & tamilnadu....may u tell me any chance of interview
I applied for ibps clerical grade exam, I paid fee 400 at indian overaeas bank and my transaction no is0299171012000575 .i got the register no also and my reg no is1110005390.but I cant able down load the call letter .It shows invalid login ,I entered all things correctly .i studied for this exam about six months. so pls send me call letter.i tried a also to ibps contacts but no one is responding