IBPS Specialist Officers CWE 2013 Notification for 20 Public Sector Banks
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IBPS Exams for 2013 have been announced, with the First Recruitment Notification coming Today for IBPS Specialist Officers Common Written Exam (CWE) 2013. IBPS CWE for Specialist Officers is a common Entrance Exam that will be conducted by IBPS on the behalf of 20 Public Sector Banks for getting Specialist Officers Jobs in the participating banks.
A Total of 20 Public Sector Banks will recruiting the candidates who have been declared as Qualified in the IBPS Specialist Officers CWE. Qualified candidates in the CWE will be issued Scorecards based on which they can apply for Specialist Jobs in the 20 Public Sector banks.
Earlier in March, 2012 IBPS had successfully conducted the First Specialist Officers Exam and this is only the 2nd Time that IBPS is conducting the Specialist Officers CWE.
Here is the List of Participating banks in the IBPS Specialist Officers Exam 2013
Important Dates : Applicants willing to appear in the CWE must note the Important Dates, so as to apply Online much earlier than the Last Date, to avoid any last minute trouble.
- Date for Submitting the Online Applications: 10-01-2013 to 28-01-2013
- Dates for Payment of Applications fees: 10-01-2013 to 28-01-2013
IBPS Specialist Officers Exam 2013 : Details
Posts : List of Specialist Officers in Public Sector Banks
What is the Eligibilty Criteria for IBPS Specialist Officers CWE 2013 ?
Applicants willing to appear for above mentioned Job positions in the 20 Partcipating banks must full fill the below mentioned Eligibility criteria.
Age Limit : Applicants must full fill the Age Limit Criteria as mentioned below:
- For Posts No. 1 to 8 : Min: 20 years and Max: 35 years
- For Post No. 9 : Min: 21 years and Max: 40 years
- For Posts No. 10 : Min: 21 years and Max: 35 years
- For Posts No. 11 : Min: 25 years and Max: 35 years
Here is the Detailed Post wise Eligibilty Criteria
The Notification regarding the IBPS Specialist Officers CWE 2013 is published in some of leading News papers in the the Country dated 8th January, 2013.Here is the Screenshot of the Advt that is published in a Newspaper.
Detailed Advt: The Detailed Advt is yet to be uploaded by IBPS on their Official Website. Once the Detailed Advt (*.pdf) will be uploaded on the Official Website, we will provide the link on this page
Here is the Detailed Advt of IBPS Specialist Officers CWE
We will update this page with complete Details Like Eligibility Criteria, Online Applications form process etc. In the meantime, you can check some of the posts related to IBPS Specialist Officers Exam in 2012.
Must Buy Books for IBPS Specialist Officers CWE 2013
IBPS Specialist Officers Syllabus 2012
IBPS Specialist Officers Previous years Question Papers
IBPS Professional Knowledge : Books, Syllabus and Papers
How to Surely get a Job in Banking Sector in 2013 ?
Notification for IBPS Specialist Officers Exam
The Notification regarding the IBPS Specialist Officers CWE 2013 is published in some of leading News papers in the the Country dated 8th January, 2013.Here is the Screenshot of the Advt that is published in a Newspaper.
Detailed Advt: The Detailed Advt is yet to be uploaded by IBPS on their Official Website. Once the Detailed Advt (*.pdf) will be uploaded on the Official Website, we will provide the link on this page
Here is the Detailed Advt of IBPS Specialist Officers CWE
We will update this page with complete Details Like Eligibility Criteria, Online Applications form process etc. In the meantime, you can check some of the posts related to IBPS Specialist Officers Exam in 2012.
Must Buy Books for IBPS Specialist Officers CWE 2013
IBPS Specialist Officers Syllabus 2012
IBPS Specialist Officers Previous years Question Papers
IBPS Professional Knowledge : Books, Syllabus and Papers
Not Interested in this Exam ?
If you are not interested in this Exam or Recruitment, then are several other Banking Careers options for which can you can option. The Detailed post, will help in you in analysing the same and help you in surely getting a Bank Job in 2013.How to Surely get a Job in Banking Sector in 2013 ?
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Thanks for sharing information..!
Can you please give me the details of syllabus & exam pattern.
Thank You Very much for the updation of the news of IBPS CWE FOR SPECIALIST OFFICER. As I was waiting for it And i first comes to know it through your website as iam your regular visitor.Thank you Very Much once Again.
Great .. One good to hear in the starting if the year.Any forseen date of written date ?
Can anyone tell me the roles/job profile of IT officer & Technical officer in a Bank, I want to know it before I apply for it. what do they actually do in a bank..?? PLEASE HELP....!!!
i cleared last specialist officer cwe in technical cadre 1 with 131 out of 200. i m from ece branch. though it was a good mark but due to lack of vacancies in banks it was worthless. UNION BANK OF INDIA came with 40 odd vacancies and i was caleed for interview but disqualified...in last cwe spl exam 2300 candidate cleared but only vacancy was about 60...now i am in trouble that how to believe that this time the vacancy will be fair!!!!!!!!
I did PGDBA from sybiosis as a distance learning program. Can I apply for HR Grade -1 Officer. My specialization in HRD is additional, First specialization is in Finance.Please inform me.
i m m.sc physics pass out specailization in electronics .can i fill this form?
can student of final year in computer sc apply for ibps specialist officer?
can final year students of engineering fill up the application form?
I am Doing computer science and Engineering and now am in final year.Whether am i eligible for this exam as a final year student???
I am fulfilling the educational qualification required for this but i dont have any experience in finance field.
So m i applicable for this exam?
Plz qeply a.s.a.p.
Thank you.
I am pursuing mba so am i eligible for the exam ?
i am pursuing mba so am i eligible for the exam ?
tody ibps annouced clerk 2 status result .
My dob is 26.2.93 am i elligible for technicl officr post..reply plz
thanks very much....but i want to ask u one thing..if i am a pursuing my B.E in last semester..then am i elligible to appear for IT OFFICER{scale-1} post..
plzz tell me..
what topics get covered in profe. Knowledge...anyone give previous ibps so IT officer scale I for 2011-12
hello everyone
i have a 2 years of experience in IT sector but in private sector.
Will this experience be considered for IT Officer (Scale II) post ?
current final year engineering student can apply for this post...
sir final year b.tech student can eligible ?
sir, can final year b.tech students are eligible?
final year b.tech student can apply for cwe
hi...i am B.Sc.computer graduate....,can apply for I.T. Officer scale-1..??
Hi, I'm a EEE graduate 2010 batch .Can i apply for IBPS-IT officer ?
i have done b.sc. in biotechnology hons. A, I eligible for the post of Agriculture Field Officer as they mentioned some of the allied sciences and then put etc. Pls reply..
pls review post 10 Chartered Accountant (Scale II) educational qualification.icwa final candidates are eligible for that post or not.Recently some banks are allowing icwa candidates also.
Hello sir,
I am a final semester student of B.tech comp sc. and the course is likely to be completed by june-july2013.
So, am i eligible for IBPS cwe exam 2013?
are may 2013 pass outs eligible for cwe specialist officers 2013 exam?
HI sir
I have filled the form and paid the amount for IBPS specialist officer. I am a OBC candidate but by mistake i filled the form as General candidate. Is there any possibility of changing my caste again in the same form?? or can i fill the form again with same name and address???? Is there any possibility of rejection of my forms if applied twice ???
Thanks & Regards
Tushar gupta
dear sir
I am pharmacy student an apply for the post of technical officer
please suggest me book for professional knowledge section and what should question come by post or qulification
I am searching for my assignment and found your blog post ( IBPS Specialist Officers CWE 2013 Notification for 20 Public Sector Banks - IBPS:Recruitment,Notification,Online Registartion,Results,Admit cards ) on google search your post is informative an give me lots knowledge for my current academic assignment thanks for sharing such a wonderful information keep updating share the knowledge whole world including me.
sir ,
i took exam of IBPS SPECIALIST OFFICER for MARKETING OFFICER held on 16.03.2013 morning shift,bt i think in the professional knowledge section there wasn't a single question from marketing, infact all was from Finance side,like,NPV,ASEET VALUE,CTS,DEPOSITE etc.....i m totally not satisfied with the exam professinal knowledge section...kindly let me know the solution,,,what can i do??
When will the results announced...