IBPS Clerk Result for Dec-2012 CWE Announced in 13 Days
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Today, IBPS had taken everybody by Surprise, as they have announced the Results for the 2nd CWE for Clerks with is a span of 13 Days.As the IBPS Clerk Results are announced, so all eyes are now focused on the Common Interviews for Clerical Jobs in Public Sector banks.
IBPS Gets Quicker than Ever
IBPS had conducted the CWE for Clerk Posts in December, 2012. The Exam was conducted Online at several venues in the country in the 2nd, 3rd and Last week of Dec, 2012 in which approximately 25 lakh students have appeared.
These Students have been waiting for their Results and all are surprised to know that IBPS had announced the Clerical Results with is a span of 13 Days, thanks to the Online System.So we can say that the Online System introduced by IBPS is a complete Success.
IBPS Clerk Score Available Online
How to Check the IBPS Clerk CWE Dec-2012 Results ?
If you are one of those, who have appeared in the IBPS Clerk CWE held in Dec-2012, then you must be eager to know about your Results. To check your IBPS Clerk CWE results, you must follow some of the simple steps given below.
1) Log on to IBPS Offcial Website (www.ibps.in).
2) On the Home page, you have to click on the Scrolling Link marked as " Result Status of IBPS CWE Clerks-II, Online Exam Held on 15th / 16th / 22nd / 23rd / 29th and 30th December 2012 "
3) After that the Results Page will be Displayed, where, you need to enter your Registration Details, to check your Result
4) After entering the Registration Details, click on the Submit Button to check, your Results. The Results page, will Display, your Status (Pass OR Fail) in the Exam.
Passed: Passed students in the CWE will be given scorecards based on which their can apply for Jobs in the 20 Participating Public Sector Banks and appear for Common Interviews, scheduled later this year.
Failed: Those who are unlucky and did not make it to the Interview Stage, must not lose heart and Start preparing for the Next CWE's with re-doubled effort, as the Next IBPS PO Exam is Scheduled in June, 2013 and Notification will come by March, 2013.
IBPS Clerk Scorecard
Passed students will receive Scorecards dispatched at their Correspondence Addresses by IBPS Mumbai.Apart from the Scorecards being sent, students can also check their marks Online at the IBPS Offcial Website.The IBPS Scorecard is an Offcial Documents that enables you to appear for the Common Interview.The Scorecard comes with a validity of one year
It is expected that Common Interviews will be held only after the expiration of the validity of Scorecards for Ist CWE. So we can expect the Common Interview for Clerk CWE only after March, 2013.
Updates: We will update this page with More Updates, regrading the Schedule of Common Interviews for Clerical posts in 20 participating Public Sector banks
Discuss: Student have appeared in the CWE can share their Result status in they Comments below OR you can also discuss with other students by Liking our IBPS Portal Facebook page
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I forget my password..without password i m unable to see my result..i also checked my mailbox carefully for getting password there..bt there is no mail exist now..tell me wat to do now..how can i see my result.....?
i want to know my result,but its showing invalid login why ?
passed!!! how many candidates have cleared the exam?
hiiiiii.....i have cleared IBPS CWE II 2012 exam.....this website gave useful information regarding banking and current affairs which helped in exam........Plz keep providing more info regarding interview and other exams of IBPS also ...........
pls provide us with the data that how many students have passed the exam
the online system is very good .
ibps po II ka score card nahi aya hai bt 23rd ko interview hai.ibps kaya po II ka scorecard ghar pe nahi veje hai?plz give me some proper news.
Next IBPS exam will be in Sep 2013
i m not satisfy own this result plz recheck this results again.
thank u
how many candidates have cleared the exam?
And may I know the clear statistics of the clerk II result .
sir my name is jitendra and i am qualified for cwe-II ibps clerk exam but i have a little problem. my mother name spelling mistake in ssc certificate.
In 10th - sheela devi
and 12th - shilla devi
have i eligible for common interview pls reply me sir......
guys 54000 candidates have cleared dis xam n seats are 18000 so basically d ratio is of 3:1 :)
How many candidats passed cwe clerk 2
How many candidats passed cwe clerk 2 ?
How many candidats passed cwe clerk 2 ?
Swati chauhan how do u know the total pass student are 54000
When the score obtained by the candidate will be displayed
sir i got 100 marks obc cate is there any chance for selection
sir i got 100 marks OBC is there any chance for selection
I got 122 marks cwe clerk 2 in obc categery from rajasthan. Kiya kisi bank m job mil sakti h ?
I am TRIPURA but as i stay in Karnataka i have selected exam center as Bangalore.Now in my score card STATE APPLIED FOR is showing as KARNATAKA.
Kindly help me what can i do now.......
swati chauhan
any official news u hve abt passing candidate?
i've obtain 124 mark sc categery in cwe clerk 2
bt i dont know how many studenr cleard this exam
anyone tell me.......................?