Download IBPS CWE Score cards 2011 for PO and MT Exam held on 18th Sep 2011
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IBPS Score cards 2011: IBPS has first time introduced a unique method of selecting personnel for the post of Probationary Officers and Management Trainees through a Common Written Exam (CWE-2011).Although there is no official word on the Exact date of first IBPS CWE exam 2011,but it is tentatively scheduled to be held on 18th September 2011.
The IBPS written exam is both objective as well as descriptive in nature.The Objective test shall consist of 225 Question carrying 225 marks with a duration of 150 minutes.There are 5 sections in Objective test viz.Reasoning,Quantitative Aptitude,English,General Awareness and Marketing/Computers.The Descriptive papers for IBPS exam is besically the test of Englisg language and question are asked on Essay Writing,Letter Writing ,Precis Writting etc
IBPS CWE Scorecards:
IBPS will issue the Score cards to the students at the time of declaration of IBPS Common Written Exam Results 2011.The Score cards will be in hard copy format and will be send to each of the candidates who have appeared for the IBPS CWE Exam 2011 through Registered Post/Speed Post at their respective Correspondence Address
Cut Off Score for IBPS CWE Exam 2011 :
Candidates will have to score minimum Qualifying marks in each of the objective test separately to get themselves considered for vacancies in the participating banks.The cut-off points will be decided based on the average (Average – ¼ Standard Deviation for General category candidates and Average – ¾ Standard Deviation for Reserved Category candidates).
Validity of CWE Scorecard:
IBPS CWE Exam will be conducted twice a year:
- CWE Scorecards will be valid for the duration of one year from the date of issuance of Score cards
- To improvise their scores,candidates can appear in the subsequent exams of IBPS
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my exam venue is changed I got email today. Is there any one whose venue is change???????????