IBPS PO Exam 2013 Notification Out - Apply Online
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As, informed by us in our previous post about the Date of release of IBPS PO Notification and Today, we will happy to announce, that Finally, IBPS had published the much awaited IBPS PO Notification 2013.Applicants looking for Jobs in Banking Sector in 2013-14, must apply for this IBPS PO Exam, as this exam, is gateway for Jobs in 20 Public Sector Banks in India.
This is 3rd IBPS PO Exam, the First being held in Sept, 2011 and 2nd in June, 2012. It is worth mentioning here that this System of Common Written Exam (CWE) was approved by Govt of India, and mandated by participating 20 Public Sector Banks.
IBPS PO Notification-2013
The Notification regarding the IBPS PO Exam 2013 is released by IBPS and uploaded on the IBPS Official Website. In this post, we are going to share the Complete Details of the IBPS PO Exam 2013. Applicants willing to make a career in banking sector, are advised to apply and appear in the IBPS PO Exam.It is worth mentioning here that for the First time, IBPS PO Exam goes Online, Now, there is no need to darken the ovals on the OMR sheet, Infact, you have to appear for the paper on the Computer Screen.
Before, you proceed to read the Eligibility Criteria and other Details, Keep note of the Important Dates
Important Dates
- Online Registration from :22.07.2013- 12.08.2013
- Payment of Application fees: i) Online : From 22.07.2013- 12.08.2013
- Date of Written Exam : 19.10.2013/ 20.10.2013 and 26.10.2013/ 27.10.2013
List of Participating Banks
Except, SBI, almost all the Public Sector Banks, are going to participating in the Upcoming IBPS PO Exam 2013 and will recruit the successful candidates in the IBPS PO Exam, 2013
What is the Eligibility Criteria for IBPS PO exam 2013 ?
Applicants, willing to appear for Upcoming IBPS PO Exam, must satisfy the below mentioned Eligibility Conditions.
Age Limit : Min : 20 years and Max: 28 Years.
Note: For the First Time, Upper Age Limit in the IBPS PO Exam is revised and changed from Existing 30 years to 28 years. In the coming day, IBPS will face a lot criticism from decreasing the Upper age limit.
Educational Qualifications: Educational Qualification criteria also undergoes a change. Now, To appear in the IBPS PO Exam, you must have Passed Graduation with at least 60% marks.
Computer Literacy: Applicants must have working Knowledge of Computer and they have obtained the Diploma/Certificate in Computer Course, OR they have studied the computer as a subject in their Academic Classes.
Selection Process: The Selection Process for the Recruitment of Probationary Officers in participating banks, shall consists of Written Test (Online ) and then followed by Common Interview. Those students who score high marks in the Written Exam & Common Interview (Combined) will be allotted any one of the banks, through a computerized system.
Note: Another Important Change in the IBPS PO Exam 2013, that there is No Descriptive Paper (Only Objective Paper of 200 Marks)
Here is the Scheme and Syllabus of IBPS PO Written Exam-2013
Books For IBPS PO Exam 2013
How to Apply ?
Applicants willing to apply for IBPS PO Exam, must apply Online on the IBPS Offcial Website from 22nd July, 2013 to 12th August, 2013.
Application Fees: Applicants can pay the Fee the Application cum Examination fees either through Online Mode OR Offline Mode.The Details of Application fee is given as under
- Rs. 100/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates.
- Rs. 600 /- for all others
Before proceeding for submitting the Online application, you must have your Scanned Signature and Photograph.
After submitting the Online application, make sure note down your Registration No. and Password and also take the Print out of the System Generated Online application as it is needed in the further stage of the recruitment.
Any Queries ?
If you have any queries related to IBPS PO Exam, 2013, then ask your Question/Queries in the Comments Section below.
For Complete Details on Eligibility Criteria, Reservation/Relaxations, Scheme/Structure of Written Exam, applicants are advsied to go through the Detailed Advt Here
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i have no 60% graduction so plz tell me any kind of information.
I am MBA and have scored 63 % in MBA but have scored less than 60% in graduation. So am I eligible for this IBPS PO exam????
i read the notification of ibps po 3
in that the educational qualification
there is need of 60% in the
graduation...i think this is not fair
decision 50 or 55% is good
requirement but 60% is too
high... coz lots of
candidates passed there graduation
in non semester way...where its not
easy to get 60%........its so hurtable
decision...need to take serious action against it....like stay order againt it....
Education Qualification 60 % with Graduation hae ya 60 % Aggregate Graduation he please clear my doubts.
how many vacancies in ibps PO 2013 andi ibps RRB 2013 ?
what is the validity period of IBPS PO score card????
I have 58% in graduation, will they allow me this year,
Since from starting onwards they are asking 60 % but call letter came for 58% candidates also... please advise ?
50% in graduation is ideal criteria because for this type of examination knowledge does matter higher percent is not the fair scale of assessment
I have 72% in mba bt 59% in graduation. Am I eligible toappear in the ibps po exam
i am final year student.i have given my last semester exam but result will be declare in September. m i eligible for IBPS PO exam?
This is good selection criteria for IBPS PO-3 For the Education Qualification 60% in Graduation is best Decision I appreciate them. This Decision Boycott the Week Students / Aspirants these below 60 % students always false bad remark to IBPS either they do need to do their Graduation Again with 60 % & above or try for next jobs as their Graduate % is below 60 . But one thing i give suggestion to IBPS to increase age limit up to 30 yrs.
(Below is the content of govt's circular for bank staff recruitment)
No. 10/30/3/2012-IR
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Financial Services
Jeevandeep Building
10, Parliament Street
New Delhi
Dated 04.10.2012
The Director
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection
IBPS House
Behind Thakur Polytechnic,
Kandivali (E)
Subject: Regarding methodology of Recruitment of Officers and Clerks to
be conducted by the IBPS.
I am directed to refer to your letter dated 29.08.2012 and to your e-mail
dated 18.09.2012 on the subject cited above and to say that the proposed
scheme of IBPS regarding revised process for recruitment of clerical and officer
cadre for PSBs has been examined in this Department. It has been decided to
broadly agree with the proposed scheme of IBPS and further, convey as under :
i. IBPS and PSBs would ensure common eligibility criteria for all
PSBs for subsequent examinations of Clerks and Officers as
Age: 20-28 years (for both officer and clerical cadre)
Educational Graduation or equivalent for clerical cadre &
Qualification: Graduation or equivalent with 60% marks for
Others: Computer literacy mandatory for both Clerks and
ii. there would be a common interview for all PSBs. IBPS will co-ordinate
the conduct of common interview with the help of Nodal Banks and
thereafter IBPS will declare the results;
iii relative weightage for written examination and interview will be 80:20.
This shall be used to decide the final merit list;
iv. IBPS will ask the candidates to provide the order of their preference of
Banks. Based on the merit list and the order of preference provided by
the candidate, candidates will be allotted to the Banks;
v. one time application fee of Rs. 400, for conduct of examination, interview
etc. will be collected by IBPS;
vi. all common written examinations may be conducted on-line;
vii. one examination for each cadre may be held annually.
2. IBPS is requested to follow modalities for operationalising the scheme as
decided in its meeting with HR Heads of Public Sector Banks on 14.09.2012.
3. IBPS may also ensure that this new format of Common Written
Examination (CWE) is well publicized.
4. Further, before going ahead in the matter IBPS would ensure all
necessary preparatory steps for introducing this new format of
examination/recruitment process.
Yours faithfully,
(Manish Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Copy for necessary action to -
(i) Chairman, IBA
(ii) CEO of all PSBs.
my last year of graduatioon will started from august and end in may. can i give this exam. please reply as soon as possible.
How many question each & every subject will be come.
They gave the information only max marks for each section.
pls sir give infor..........thanks
I am having 56% in graduation but i had scored 69% in my PG.Am i eligible for attending the IBPS PO exam...Pls give me reply.
Thanks and Regards
i have a certificate provieded from my school for c++ language's qualification & i have completed the degree of bachelor of engineering. i have studied the c++ & java as regular subjects during engineering. is it sufficient??
Its requested to every one kindly lodge the protest in public grievance portal.Its very strange to reduce age eligibility while UPSC still having 30 years and only pass in graduation.
sir last year minimum percentage was pass only in graduation for appearing why this year this is 60% Aggregate.This is completely unfair because in most of the university still semester system is not there so it is hard to get 60% overall. this is not fair as you can have 50-55% because earlier it was pass only and many candidate got selected in the final process on that basis. This very unfair for the other candidates who have not got 60% aggregate but able to qualified. So sir I kindly request you please review your decision again for our welfare...
Sir fees for other category candidates is very high please minimiz that fees.
Thank You
So what about those candidates who have 59.5,59.8.
IN class 12 i studied dual nature of light as a ray and as a particle,one more such units should must be included heading "DUAL NATURE OF RECRUITMENT IN PUBLIC SECTOR....."
i have no 60% in Graduation but i have 60% in Post-graduation...so am i eligible for the exam
IN Graduation my percentage is 57.But I complete my MBA with 65%.Can I apply for IBPS PO. Please tell me on my comments.
I've not any certificate of comp.course bt i've subject of comp.in my academic session so, m i eligible for that.?
iam a Caste of S.C student , having 58% marks ,can i apply or not....
Diploma or Certificate in Computer is necessary ?
Hi. I have 239/400 in my graduation. It comes out to be 59.75. Should I apply for ibps po or not?
PO wont require technical certs, if u hv graduated with >=60% u r eligible.