IBPS Clerk Result Scorecard 2012 for PASS and Failed students in IBPS Clerk Exam 2011
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A Complete guide on How to check your IBPS Scores for IBPS Clerk Exam 2011
IBPS had declared the results of First Common Written Exam for Clerks on 29th February ,2012 at around 1:30 PM.5.31 lakh students passed the IBPS Clerk exam 2011, these students have appeared for the Exam in Nov-Dec 2011 and have been declared as successful and the remaining 25 lakh students will have to try their luck in the next Clerk Exam that is scheduled to held later in 2012
IBPS Clerk Scorecards 2012
Passed students in the IBPS Clerk Exam will be issued scorecards based on their performance in the Exam.Soon after the IBPS Clerk Results 2012 were announced, IBPS Director Mr Balachandran in an exclusive interview will Hindu Business Line said that 1 out of every Six students who appeared in the IBPS Clerk Exam is declared as successful.
Merit List of IBPS Clerk Exam 2012
Mr Balachandran Said the Merit List or List of Students who have passed the IBPS Clerk Exam will be available on the IBPS Official Website (www.ibps.in) next week i.e after 5th March, 2012
Scorecards of Passed/Successful Candidates
Students with PASS Status in the IBPS Clerk Exam can check their scores Online at the IBPS Official Website (www.ibps.in) in the next week i.e After 5th March, 2012.Apart from the Online checking of the scores, scorecards will be sent to successful candidates by Speed Post service of Indian Postal Department.This process of sending scorecards will begin from 1st March and will be completed with in 4 days
Students will be able to track their Score cards by the Tracking Number at the Website of Indian Postal Department. The Tracking number will be sent to candidates both by Email and SMS, so that students can track the location and the expected date of Delivery of their scorecards.
Scorecards of Students not passed in IBPS Clerk Exam 2011
Unsuccessful students or Students with FAIL status in the IBPS Clerk Exam can check their scores online only on the IBPS Official Website (www.ibps.in) only after the 15 days of the Declaration of IBPS Clerk Result.This means that only after 15th March, 2012 students would be able to Log on and check their scores online
How to Check IBPS Clerk Result Scores Online ?
- Students can check their score Only at the IBPS Official Website (www.ibps.in)
- After that students must click on the Appropriate Link to check their scores Online
- Students must have either the Registration Number OR Roll Number AND Password OR Date-of-Birth to check their scores Online.
Check your IBPS Clerk Scores at the Link Given Below
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score card kab tak aayega
I haven't received Post tracking number either through email or through sms. My online status in results show PASS. So I want to confirm that Have they sent the scorecard or not? my details are
roll number--1270710963
d.o.b.- 01-11-1985
Hi Shivani.. I wud suggest u to remove ur comment as in it u hv mentioned ur roll and dob..which shud b kept a secret..n dnt wry u'll get ur scorecard.even i hvnt got mine.it may take a week's tym.
@ Unknown
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very nice,compact,effective and useful info provided by the admin.i surfed a lot of sites but here i got the best info.btw me 2 have passed the cwe clerk exam and need to be informed about latest news.keep on updating the info n thanx again.
i have qualified in ibps clerk my email id is yashveersinghranawat@gmail.com please tell me about my score card when will it be sent to me plz inform me thanks
Dear sir
I am md rafique alam
My password no is lossed;
Roll No:2060778509
Regist No:2003895764
D O B:15/02/1991 pls sir inform my ibps clerk result immeditly
Phone No:09808400120
My status is also shown as PASS.I was wondering whether there are any other categories than PASS or FAIL
sorry rafique..you didn't pass..try next tym and crack the test..nd also visit www.ibps.in for exam results..
please delete my comment (query) soon.
i passed ibps clerk exam and now what will be cut off marks? i want difference between minimum qualifying marks and cutoff marks.
i assume my marks as follow;
numerical: 15
computer: 45
english 45
general knowledge: 46
quantitative aptitude: 15
will i get job?
Hi sir,
My name is Uma Bhavani. i just need some information regarding score card of IBPS-Clerks. In some website it has been given that from march 1st onwards scorecards will be issued and it will end with in 4 days. Till now i did not get any mail or sms about the tracking number and also the score card.Please update me the status
sir,how to get my score card and tracking number????
sir my status is pass. but i dont known my score. in which way i see my score
Sir my roll no. 1430550532 is and my date of birth is 15 oct. 1988. but when i checked my result it doesn't show my name and status of result, now what should i do ?
sir myself sumit i hv passed in the clerk exam but hvnt recieved any information about the post tracking number on my mail plzz rply what to do i woul realy blender ur obligation
sir please sent my scorecard detail ,sir i have pass clerk written exam
My roll number is -1670558227
My date of birth is - 22-12-85
When the online score card will be available...losing patience..:)
all of u relax now just wait 4 score card and mail...they will send may be in 4 days
Hi sir,
My name is Dheeraj Ahuja. i just need some information regarding score card of IBPS-Clerks. Till now i did not get any mail or sms about the tracking number and also the score card.Please update me the status
Please tell me when should i get my score card as i have passed the exam
Sir, I have passed clerk exam. I didnt get any mail or sms regarding score card. When will i get my score card?
I have passed in IBPS clerk exam and got my score card today.I have scored 142 marks.can anyone share your result?
I didnt get any tracking number or scorecard can u please tell me when i will receive scorecard and tracking number?
my name is sonu kumar nekwal nd my status is pass.
i did'nt get the score card or any other information abt it through my mail till now. sir please give me my trakng no. to see the status of scorecard. my e-mail is : nekwalsonu1617@gmail.com
I'll be very thankfull to you.
my name is naveen kumar i qualified for ibps clerk exam when i will get score card
Hi sir my name is Siva, I want to know how many students from AP are pass in IBPS Clerks exam, What is the score that a General candidate to get the job. Thank you.
hi shivani.. check it out in your e mail. you may get your reg no and roll no ..
this is rahul chakole my cwe clerical status is pass but still not get any mail or score card. please send me my score cards tracking no.
please mail me ...venkysrahul@gmail.com
sir pls send my score card of ibps clerk on my email id. my id is vermaankima@gmail.com and my roll no is 2110105311.
I have got 146 (58%) in IBPS Clerk. I checked it on ibps.in. I have done M.com and having experience of 4.5 years in Visa Filing. My age is 27 Years. Can I get job in bank with these scores and profile? Please suggest.
About marks.. no one can comment but in interview they dont care what past experience you have.. unless it is banking..
I haven't received any tracking number nor have received confirmation via mail.Kindly send my score card to my permanent address
hi....i havn't received any noification regarding tracking no and score card......i hav seen here that some students have got their scores....so can anyone plz tell me how can i get my scorev as i have beenpassed the exam
Shivani if u are frm sc/st then 100% u are call 4 interview...
how many seats are there in clerk post???i m IT graduate(B.E.) and oracle certified associate,i got 156 marks,90% in 10th and 76% in 12th...so can i get this job or what???plz tell me...m so worried...
I get 137 marks. would i expect any chance of being shorlisted for interview. please tell me
i got 53% in 12th bt 79% in 10th.... i got 160 marks in ibps ...
will banks call me , or they are not going to consider my marks of IBPS scorecard for banks...because of my 12th percentage..i.e 53%
I got 148 marks in ibps and i am a SC candidate please tell me i have a chance or not.
dear sir, my score is 144 & i am general also i had 50% marks in graduation & 65% in MBA.any one can tell me what is the percentage to get a job in this qualification.
hi, my score is 144 & i am general also i had 50% marks in graduation.any one can tell me what is the percentage to get a job in this qualification.
sir i have got 213 mark in ibps . but i want to know highest marks
I am mukesh kumar thakur, a obc candidate, have scored 162 marks ,can i get call for interview ?
I am NAREN SINDHAR, a gen. candidate, have scored 145 marks ,can i get call for interview ? plz send me all information on my id sindhu.naren95@gmail.com
my name is nidhi jha,a general candidate, i have scored 157 marks,ll i get a call for interview ?
sir my name is Mr. Arbind Kumar Singh.Today i got mail
from clerk@ibps.com that you have passed IBPS clerk exam
and your score card has been delivered to you by speed
post with Reference no. EA608199629IN But till now i
didn't got my score card. I tryied to check out my score
card delivery status in IBPS official site but i didn't
find any link over there.
so please sir guide me or send me my score card delivery
status on my mail id-arbind0326@gmail.com.
Thank you.
thank you very much for the information.!!!
I Got 182 marks in OBC category in CWE.. What will the Expected cut off for interview..
Hi, im manoj, i hv got 138 marks in exam of clerk in obc cat.
Can i hv get d seat or app. 4 canera bank or pnb
hello friends i got 187 in CWE Clerk exam ..well i m from gen bt still unable to figure out whether i will be called or not as the no. of successful candidates is very high
Roll no.:1330772035
This has reference to your On-line Application. We are pleased to inform you that you have qualified in the IBPS Common Written Examination {CWE} held on 27.11.2011 / 04.12.2011 / 11.12.2011 / 18.12.2011 for recruitment in clerical cadre in 19 Public Sector Banks.
Score Card, giving the test wise standard scores and Total Weighted standard scores obtained by you have already been dispatched to you by speed post vide Reference no. EA607754506IN.
I got 138 marks out of 250.
When i will be called for further process?
where do you stand in IBPS results in your state and in your category. Submit your marks at http://bankexamresults.in/submitscore.php and find out.
Share the same with your friends!!
this is my favourite blog for checking information on ibps.
thank you.
i got 121 mks in ibp sclerical xam. in which bank i will selected
Hello sir I passed the ibps clerk xam bt havent recieved any mail about sending my scorecard..pls help
What are the chances for a general category candidate from AP who scored 174 marks in ibps exam?
Sir I passed the ibps clerk exam bt till now I haven't recieve my scorecard nor any mail regarding it.I will very grateful to you if you look through the matter.
Reg. No.-2001422535
Roll No.-1220500638
IBPS Clerks results by state and category classification at http://bankexamresults.in/ibpsclerksbystate.php
I have got 120 in OBC category from Delhi.Whether I will called for interview in OBC minority category?
Hello Sir/Madam, I Am Ashish I want to know my result of ibps clerk . i m failed in exam but i want to know my score in which i will failed plz reply me soon as possible plz give my result score card on my email id aknayak024@yahoo.co.in or msg me on my no 8147199810 for which i will helpful to u.
You can see the statewise list of candidates passed in ibps clerk. Share your results as well in that site.
Dear Sir,
I have scored 143 marks in IBPS CWE in OPEN category from Maharashtra. But I am under-graduate student. Is there any hope to be called for interview?
And one more thing, I still doesn't receive my result card.
Please reply me.
Thank You.....
Dear Sir/Ma'am
I've passed my IBPS exam 2012. I got my score card also.
Now i'm facing a problem while applying the form for any bank. I've lost my password. I can't apply the form without this password.
I request you to please help me to recover this password.
CWE Roll No.: 1800782838
Registration No.: 2003001615
D.O.B: 09 March, 1990
my reg no and roll no lost and i m not able to see my result any other way
i have lost my rej no and roll no and wanted to know my result is their any way or send on my email ashumunu456@gmail.com
sir please iwant to know my result as i lost my rej and roll number.so please send my result on my email id ashumunu456@gmail.com
my name ashish kumar awasthi
father name santosh awasthi
dob 5/7/1989
Sir i got 120 numbers in cwe..belongs to sc category..tell me is there are chances of me to get job?
when i entered my registration id and dob it showed invalid login can u please tell me what does it mean ??
In regards of CWE clerk phase II exam held on 15 dec 2012 EVENING session was cancelled by IBPS. Reason stated for such activity is given as,
(i)FEW questions of general awareness and quantitative aptitude were same as that of morning session.
(but Its not fault of candidate, its the mistake of IBPS,then why do candidate suffer for this)
(ii)as stated FEW questions were repeated, and only few students communicate with candidate of morning session.If they told questions (based on their memory) than;what is the chance that same questions that is told by candidate appear in evening session.
Its negligible, as most of the candidate dont have contact with those in morning session.(It is totally injustifiable)
(iii)If there is network problem then, its fault of IBPS!!
if it is not full proof method then why to accept online exam.
If such a case, then like other exams why dont it publicise that paper is cancelledand, re-exam is there; through CONVENTIONAL Media like News on Doordarshan or Newspapers.
(iv)Though IBPS is an Private institute but it is conducting exam for Government banks it must be pulicise in news.
(v) Why only INTERNET, Our Country is not techno savy that each and every home has connectivity.or daily internet access.
(vi)Once Exam was given successfully then no one has a dream, 'exam is cancel'.Or no one check site for result in a time of week from exam.
(vii)IBPS also has mobile no. of candidates, cant they contact candidate as it was only one session (less candidate) and its their fault that questions were repeated.
(viii)Even after result when it shows invalid login then it come to our notice, exam was cancel, Then you can put an Re-exam and then give result of 15th dec evening session so that all get FAIR CHANCE. Once we appear for exam then why we will not turn back for re-exam; reason no mode of proper communication.
It seems you are there for money making bussiness, Not for employing candidates in a fair way.
Only Thing for writting such a big paragraph is
Be a Human of Kind heart and give us a fair chance of re-exam by intimating through proper channel and delaying further interview process for fair chance for all
declare our result on basis of previous exam.
(You dont know, from where an unemployed candidate bring 450 rupees for exam and anticipate to get job.because you are well employed and getting your salary but an unemployed person cant afford a year lost without exam result.)
Please be a human , show your justice power of humanity and do the needful.
IBPS CWE online examination system ridiculous. During my exam when only 12 mins left power cut happened. As there was no ups in any computer i had lost my valuable 5 mins from remaining 12 mins. For this i did not attend the english section properly, and i had failed for only 1 marks in english.
My sectional number are as follows REASONING= 27, MATH= 27, GK= 26, COMPUTER= 24, ENGLISH= 18.
The idiot invigilators said that they would give the 5 mins. But the time set in server and once exam start the clock never be stopped. We are simply stunned when the time was not given and then realized the reality.
My question is who is responsible for this mistake? I had lost my 450 rupees and 1 year.